
Friday, November 27, 2009

IP&T Tech promethean math

Name: Cicely Chipman

Title: Math facts with Buzz game


Students review math facts from promethean board. Then class play math “buzz” game.

Primary Core Objective:


Standard I: Students will acquire number sense with whole numbers and fractions and perform operations with whole numbers.

Objective 3: Estimate, model, illustrate, describe, and solve problems involving two- and three-digit addition and subtraction.

c. Demonstrate quick recall of addition facts and related subtraction facts

Materials Used by the Teacher:

·        Promethean board

·        Power point

Materials Used by the Students:

·        Promethean board

Technologies Used by the Teacher:

·        Promethean board

·        Power point

Technologies Used by the Students:

·        Promethean board


Intended Learning Outcomes:              

·        Students will review basic math facts from a review with teacher using the promethean board.

·        After review, students will demonstrate their knowledge of addition and subtraction facts through playing “Buzz” game.

Instructional Procedures:

Tell- Today we’re reviewing, “Addition and Subtraction math facts” using the promethean board.  By the end of math time, I expect you to figure math problems correctly without talking out of turn.



1. (PPT of math problems are projected on the promethean board). Students, the number problem here (pointing to promethean board) says “5+7”. (I click to the next slide). To show this problem more clearly I used clip art to show 5 apples and 7 apples. Who can show me using the promethean pen how many apples I have all together?


2. What about 15-9? (Click to next slide). Here I have 15 apples and 9 apples. Say I have 15 apples and then give away 9 apples to my neighbor. How many apples do I have left? I’m only going to call on a student who has their hand raised to come up to use the promethean board.

Help-                                                                                                                                                                                        1. Student uses promethean pen to pull both sets of apples together and then counts how many apples are total. There are 12 apples total. Thus, student understands that 5+7=12.

2. Student uses promethean pen to drag 9 apples into the trash bin. Now student counts the remaining apples. There 6 apples left. Thus, student understands that 15-9=6.

Check for understanding- I tell the rest of the class to give a thumbs up if they think their peer answered the algorithm correctly or a thumbs down if they think their peers answered incorrectly. As a class we discuss why peer’s assumption is correct or incorrect.


Assess- Play buzz


(Read assessment plan below first). Play buzz from having algorithms projected on the promethean board to help hearing impaired students stay involved. If their speech is too difficult to understand, they could show each number from lifting their fingers. For example, if I say “2”. They simply lift up two fingers. They could use “spirit fingers” (fingers move back and forth) to symbolize saying “buzz”.

Assessment Plan:

Playing buzz. The class is familiar with game. Ex. Everyone lines up in a straight row facing the teacher. Teacher says an algorithm, “2+3”. First student in the row says “2”, the second one says “plus”, the next says “3”, the next kid says “equals”, and the next says“5”. After the answer has been given, “5”, the following student says “buzz”. As a result, the person directly after the person that says “buzz” has to go sit down in their seat. Expectations: If someone says the wrong answer (duplication of a number, wrong algorithm) or talks when it is not their turn they must sit down.



T- 2+3

S1- two

S2- plus

S3- three

S4- equals

S5- five

S6- buzz

T- Good. Next problem “7-3”.

S7- seven

S8- minus






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