
Friday, November 27, 2009

IPT287 Lesson Plan- People&Animals affected by weather

Name: Cicely Chipman

Title: Weather: It affects us all… Animals and People



Students take pictures of people/animals during sun and stormy days over a two week period. They download their pictures on a computer and then create a power point (PPT) on how weather affects us.

Primary Core Objective:

Standard 3
Students will develop an understanding of their environment.

Objective 2 Observe and describe weather.

b. Describe how weather affects people and animals.

Materials Used by the Teacher:


·       School computer

·       Digital camera

·       Power point

·       Happy music (staccato, peppy, or relaxing), Sad music (jazz blues)

·       Attendance roll: Student’s grouped by alphabet. Take the roll and chunk groups of four. There should be 7 groups total.


Materials Used by the Students:


·       School computers

·       Digital camera per student

·       Power point

Technologies Used by the Teacher:


·       School computer

·       Digital camera

·       Power point on body language of people and animals.


Technologies Used by the Students:


·       School computers

·       Digital camera per student

·       Power point

·       Free


Intended Learning Outcomes:


·       SWBAT determine which weather people/animals tend to be happiest or least happy by assessing their body language. They should explain how they decided their conclusion (ex. I learned people have more energy in the summer because they are smiling and outside more.)

·       SWBAT to create a PPT which demonstrates their conclusions on how people/animals are affected by weather by assessing their body languge.



Instructional Procedures:


Hook- “As you watch this clip think about if you believe there is a connection between animals and weather.”

Watch Frog Facts and Folklore: Frogs and Weather

·        E-mail This

·        Facebook

·        Digg This

·        Yahoo! Buzz

·        StumbleUpon

·        TwitThis

·        Reddit

(Frogs and toads can travel by tornado and be dropped to the ground. In India and China, people believe there is a close link between frogs and weather.)

Here's the link:


Tell- Today’s lesson is titled, “Weather: It affects us all… Animals and People”. “By the end of the project I expect you to understand  how weather affects people and animals by observing their body language from the pictures you take. Take digital pictures of people and animals during stormy and sunny weather over a 2 week period and then download the images on your class computer. Then I will make 7 groups of 4. In your group you will pick the pictures you find best show the weather and body language of a person/animal. Then create a PPT of your 6 best pictures, music must be integrated on 2 slides and he last page should be a conclusion of your findings. 


Model- Physically model different types of body language, show a YouTube clip on body language of humans and animals. Then pull up a PPT example from a group’s last year to show what I’m looking for. Praise how pictures were taken in distinctly different weather moments, used music to help others understand if the weather made the person/animal seem happy or sad, and the last page was the conclusion on what they found. Then notice their body language: is the individual standing tall or crouched, walking fast or slow, arms crossed or open, etc.

Help- Have the class tell me different types of body language. I’ll help them with any digital camera concerns. I’ll give them a weather report (handout) so they can plan when to take their pictures. For example I might say, “The forecast says it will be sunny for three days and then a storm is rolling in Wednesday night. Here’s a handout of the next 2 weeks. Don’t count on the weatherman, but use it as a guide.” After two weeks I’ll show them how to download their pictures onto a class computer and do a quick tutorial of PPT.

Check for understanding- I’ll show a few pictures of people/animals in different weather conditions and ask them questions guiding their understanding regarding body language. Then I’ll have them physically model a variety in body language. I’ll watch them download their pictures and begin to create a PPT with their group.


Assess- 7 minutes group PPT presentations



You can have more than two slides with music and/or more than 4 reasons, but no more than 8 pictures total (4 stormy, 4 sunny).

Assessment Plan:


Final PPT presentations must be at least 7 minutes with your group and must include: 4 sunny day and 4 stormy day pictures with people/animals in them. Music integrated to help class feel more happy or sad. Your last slide must give at least 4 reasons why you believe animals/humans are affected by weather The assessment will be summative over the 2 week period.



Extra fun facts:

Weather changes mean atmospheric pressure changes and that alone has influence in the heart system, nervous system and behavior. Weather can affect people in being sick and tired, where they will have to go to the doctor ...It is not good to go in a very hot place then go to a very cold place. When the weather is going to be bad animal all around the world acts up very weirdly. Example- frogs croak louder and longer when the weather is going to be bad.

·        Winter blues is more commonly known as Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD.

·        The hypothalamus - the part of the brain that controls our body's main functions - is stimulated by natural light.

·        Seasonal winds are known as 'ill winds'.


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